One might think constipation and marijuana are completely unrelated, given that constipation is a digestive problem, and medical marijuana is usually associated with brain function and cancer treatment. However, there is evidence to suggest that medical marijuana can help with constipation. Consider why constipation, or difficulty with bowel movements, happens.
Usually the main factors that cause this condition involve dehydration, inadequate fiber in a person’s system, changes in diet or routine, an abundance of dairy and resisting the natural urge to defecate. It is even suggested that stress and depression can cause constipation. The longer a person waits the more difficult it becomes to defecate because of hardening stools.
You might be surprised to know that long before the U.S. government warned the world of cannabis’ ill effects; it was being prescribed by doctors of yesterday, and even “medicine men” long before that. Ancient ruler of China Shen-Nung “prescribed” marijuana ages ago for constipation relief. Was this all folklore or is there medical evidence today suggesting some effect that THC has on digestion?
One belief is that whole cannabis can relax a person’s bowels, counteracting stress as one of the leading causes of constipation in the first place. Some sources suggest that even hemp seed can help with relaxation.
Even beyond relaxation, there is evidence suggesting that medicinal marijuana can help heal gastrointestinal disorders, and disorder of some sort is what ultimately causes constipation. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and other organizations concluded that cannabinoid drugs may provide relief from gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. The belief is that cannabis interacts with endogenous cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, which calms problems such as spasms and pain.
There is strong evidence suggesting cannabis can help with medical problems well beyond cancer remedies and mental illnesses. Let’s support objective medical research for THC, proven to a be a lifesaver in many situations.
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